Kirk Stephens Sims is a United Methodist missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries, serving as a consultant and theological educator in the Germany…
There are more than 200 Global Ministries missionaries in active service around the world.
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Kirk Stephens Sims is a United Methodist missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries, serving as a consultant and theological educator in the Germany…
The Rev. Nicole Haack Sims is a United Methodist missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries, serving as Pastor and Church Planter with the…
Gillian Sloan is a Global Missionary of The United Methodist Church, serving as INSPIRE general manager in Chemnitz, Germany. She earned a diploma/certificate in religious…
Kimseat Soy is an international Global Mission Fellow with the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries. The Global Mission Fellows program takes young adults…
Arabia Baynia Sweet is a church and community worker with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church, serving as coordinator of…
Leah Swineford is a Global Missionary of The United Methodist Church, serving as teacher for Deaf and hard of hearing schoolchildren at Nyadire Mission Center…
Rachel Kuolou Therieh is a Global Missionary who is serving as a Mission Advocate for Young Adults (I) with Asia Pacific Regional Office. Rachel is a member…
Reverend Rhett Thompson is a Board of Global Ministries United Methodist missionary assigned to the Republic of Panama, serving as pastor of an Evangelical Methodist…
The Rev. Anna Troy is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church serving as a Church and Community…
Daniel Humberto Contreras Varas is a Global Missionary with the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries. Daniel is a member of Segunda Methodist Church…
Sonia N. Vargas-Maldonado is a United Methodist missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries, serving at the Santurce Cooperative Ministry of the Methodist Church…
The Rev. Mutwale Ntambo Wa Mushidi is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church serving as director of…