Supply Depot and Affiliate Warehouses

UMCOR operates a supply depot, located at Sager Brown in Baldwin, Louisiana. UMCOR Sager Brown collaborates with affiliate warehouses within the United Methodist Relief Supply Network in Alabama, Illinois, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Texas. Donations for supply kits can be sent to or dropped off at the Sager Brown Depot or an affiliate warehouse.
Each year, more than 2,000 volunteers prepare approximately $4 million in relief supplies for shipment from the UMCOR Sager Brown Depot in response to disasters in the United States. UMCOR Sager Brown Depot reaches out to its local neighbors through food distribution, housing rehabilitation projects and through other community outreach efforts.
Ordering Relief Supplies
Relief supplies can be ordered from the Sager Brown Depot or an affiliate warehouse. Order here.
Volunteering at Sager Brown Depot
UMCOR Sager Brown’s open registration for short term mission volunteers for the year 2026 will begin Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at 10 AM (CST). Reservation requests will be taken through the new booking system on a first come first serve basis. Any questions, Contact us.
Know Before You Go
For more information on how to plan a short-term mission trip to volunteer at UMCOR Sager Brown, read the “Know Before You Go” booklet. Download here.

Required Forms
The following forms are required for all groups volunteering at UMCOR Sager Brown.
- Team Application
- Team Member Checklist
- Mission Team Roster
- Children/Youth Intergenerational Roster
- Mission Team Special Skills interests Summary
- Medical Release Form
- Liability Release for Team Leader
- Liability Release Volunteer
- Youth Team Policy and Covenant for Volunteers Under Age 18
- Media Authorization and Release
- Background Check
UMCOR Sager Brown Depot: Baldwin, LA
Amy Fuselier, UMCOR Director of Relief Supplies
UMCOR Sager Brown Depot
Physical address: 131 Sager Brown Road, Baldwin, LA 70514
Administrative Offices
Physical address: 101 Sager Brown Road, Baldwin LA 70514
Mailing address: P.O. Box 850, Baldwin, LA 70514
UMCOR Affiliated Warehouses
Note: Please contact the warehouse before shipping any packages containing donations of relief supplies to assure the warehouse is expecting them.
United Methodist Disaster Relief Warehouse of Decatur, Alabama is charged with the warehousing of UMCOR disaster relief supplies such as cleaning kits, hygiene kits and menstrual hygiene kits, among others. It provides opportunities for church volunteers and others to respond to a call to mission.
Cindy Sandlin, Executive Director
United Methodist Disaster Relief Warehouse
Physical address: 3220 Highway 31 S., Building F, Decatur, AL 35603
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1133, Decatur, AL 35602
Daily and weekly mission volunteer opportunities are available at this distribution center. Sign up here.
Chantel Corrie, Executive Director
Midwest Mission Distribution Center
1001 Mission Drive, Pawnee, IL 62558
The Missouri Annual Conference Disaster Response facility serves as a satellite collection and distribution point for UMCOR relief supply kits.
Bambi Wheeler, Conference Disaster Response Coordinator
Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church
3601 Amron Court, Columbia, MO 65202
The Eastbrook Mission Barn is dedicated to storing relief supplies year-round and to providing a workplace for teams of volunteers.
Katie Peterson, Executive Director
Mission Barn
181 Columbus Dr, New Castle, PA 16101
Mission Central operates a mission resource warehouse in Mechanicsburg in Cumberland County. Mission Central’s mission is “Connecting God’s Resources with Human Need.” In 2021, we served over 5.4 million people with over $17.3 million in resources. Of this, about 50% stays in PA, 32% is distributed throughout the United States and 18% is shared internationally.
Hope Harrison, Executive Director
Mission Central
5 Pleasant View Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
The Texas Annual Conference Mission Center is owned and operated by the Texas Annual Conference. The facility receives, verifies and ships UMCOR relief supply kits.
Rev. Godfrey Hubert, Conference Disaster Response Coordinator
Texas Annual Conference Mission Center
3765 N Loop 336 E, Conroe, TX 77301
The Martinez Disaster Response Center is now operated by the Rio Texas Annual Conference.
Larry Altman, Coordinator
Physical Address: Bishop Joel & Dr. Raquel Martinez Disaster Response Center
610 Methodist Encampment Road, Kerrville, TX 78028