
Methodist Church of Brazil welcomes migrants: Shade and Fresh Water
From the Brazilian Methodist Church, a story of welcome and service with Venezuelan refugees arriving in Boa Vista, Brazil.
New growth from common ground: mission roundtable
Crossing boundaries of identity, theology and worldview, this global program creates a sacred space to discover new ways of being the church in the world. Together.
Ensuring universal rights and welcome for global migrants
This overview of UMCOR’s global migration work includes places of welcome, food for body and spirit, education, legal help and many more ways that United Methodists support migrants around the world.
In Focus: Migration
For the month of June, follow along as we highlight the ways in which UMCOR is working to support the rights of migrants all over the world.
A caring ministry for survivors of terrorist attacks
For World Communion scholar, Insar Gohar, studies in the U.S. prepared him to return to Pakistan to answer a call to ministry, counseling survivors of the kind of trauma and terror his immediate and extended family experienced.
Missionaries represent many facets of God’s mission today
Katherine Parker, a missionary in Nepal, believes the work of the United Mission to Nepal serves as a positive model for participation in the missio Dei, the mission of God. Third in a Three-part series.
Moving forward as one: United Methodists in Burundi
Two years after announcing their intention to reconcile, United Methodists in Burundi prepare the way for growth, mission and service in a reunited church.
The Harris legacy – From Chicago to Manila
Meet Thomas Harris from the U.S. and Dr. Cristina Manabat from Harris Memorial College in the Philippines. What do they share in common? More than a name.
Eight new United Methodist missionaries celebrated and blessed
Eight missionaries will lend their gifts in service to God in places like El Salvador, Mongolia and South Africa.
Missionaries represent many facets of God’s mission today
Kristi Painter, a Global Mission Fellow, US-2 track, from Georgia, describes her work with Arch Street UMC in Philadelphia and how her experience has shifted her perspectives on mission and what it means to engage in community.
Telling the Easter story of a crucified people in Sri Lanka
In the aftermath of the Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka, Jerome Sahabandu, a Global Ministries theologian from Sri Lanka, describes reactions to the attacks among Christians and other faith groups and the consequences for vulnerable Muslim refugees seeking asylum and shelter in the country.
Global mission grants rehabilitate health facilities worldwide
Since 2017, more than $8 million has been given and 46 facilities have been renovated, increasing the standard of care in rural communities.