
July 5, 2020
Food relief helps in Liberia’s COVID-19 fight
Liberia is combating COVID-19 through both health and food security: the health board received an early solidarity grant from UMCOR for prevention training and the conference received a more recent UMCOR Sheltering in Love grant to provide food packages to the elderly, the physically challenged and at-risk children and youth undergoing rehabilitation at a facility in Monrovia. UMNS shares the story.

July 5, 2020
The enduring resiliency of North Macedonia
Missionary Jennifer Moore reflects on life lessons she has learned from the Macedonian people, especially as they face a pandemic.

July 5, 2020
A creative response to grief
Originally from Minneapolis but now serving in Tampa as a Global Mission Fellow, Abigail Reeth envisioned a way for her community - especially the kids - to process and respond to racial injustice: painting a mural together.

July 5, 2020
United Methodist mission in Morogoro, Tanzania
Missionaries Umba and Ngoy Kalangwa send a mission update from Morogoro, Tanzania – a reconstructed dispensary that reopens just as COVID-19 starts to spread, members of a sewing workshop who learn to craft hundreds of masks and the first woman to pastor a UMC church in the Morogoro District.

July 5, 2020
Sifting through the ashes
UMCOR supports Western conferences responding to 2020 wildfires.

July 4, 2020
Strength upon strength; Michigan United Methodists pour hope on troubled waters
For communities devastated by May flooding, the road to resilience is paved with support coming from federal, state and local sources – and from United Methodists.

July 4, 2020
Partners work together for asylum seekers
Asylum seekers in New York, Miami and Houston find a new avenue of hope through an UMCOR, Justice For Our Neighbors and Church World Service partnership. The UMCOR Asylum Project seeks to provide legal representation and case management for those with compelling reasons not to return to their home countries.

July 4, 2020
Leaving communities more resilient
UMCOR disaster response consultants Angela Overstreet and Christy Smith provide an update on the ongoing disaster response and recovery efforts in Tennessee.

July 4, 2020
UMCOR supports formerly incarcerated as they reenter communities
For five years, the Southern Center for Human Rights in Atlanta has been working to win the release of Black men and women serving decades-long prison sentences for minor offences. This year, an UMCOR grant provided the means for SCHR to establish a reentry program to help released clients navigate the barriers they need to cross in order to thrive.

July 4, 2020
In trying times, churches extend their reach
UMCOR has awarded $1.56 million to help vulnerable communities cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. These grants enable churches to respond to issues of food insecurity, sanitation and hygiene, and other financial needs.

July 4, 2020
In the Philippines, planning for disaster creates resilient communities
With guidance from UMCOR’s Disaster Management Coordinator (DMC) program, communities in the Davao, Manila and Baguio Episcopal Areas are better prepared and equipped to weather prolonged disasters.

June 20, 2020
Coronavirus facts & inspiration
Bishop John Yambasu of the Sierra Leone Episcopal Area and Megan Klingler, a registered nurse who serves as the Primary Health Care Specialist of the Global Health Unit of United Methodist Global Ministries ...