All News & Stories

Opening doors to education for Honduran pastors
UMC congregations and ministries in Honduras strengthen as leaders are given the opportunity to increase their reading comprehension levels.
Sowing and reaping: the 70th anniversary of the US-2 program
Current and former US-2s share thoughts about their mission experience and becoming part of a community that has a 70-year legacy in The United Methodist Church.
Building water resources in Ecuador and Bolivia
Global Health partners with Engineers in Action to bring clean water and sanitation facilities to schools, churches and whole communities.
After a year in service, 7 US missionaries officially commissioned
Although COVID-19 prevented an official commissioning in 2020, missionaries have remained creatively engaged in ministry and were commissioned at small, in-person services in their host annual conferences this spring.
Fall 2021 Mission Volunteer training
Three-day trainings, offered in September and December, will prepare those accepted into the Mission Volunteers program for long-term service in the U.S. and around the world.
Global Ministries awards grants to help United Methodist churches aid local refugees and migrants in their communities
Mustard Seed Migration Grants continue UMCOR's 80-Year tradition of welcoming the stranger.
UMCOR supports refugees, migrants and asylum seekers in 2021
This UMCOR update, part three of a three-part series, summarizes UMCOR’s work with refugees, migrants and asylum seekers in 2021.
Building an ARK in Cambodia
A new program in Phnom Penh helps people stay out of human trafficking networks.
UMCOR aids displaced people in Congo
Tensions remain high as rebels target civilians, threatening lives and livelihoods and killing scores of people.
UMCOR grants make global impact on response to COVID-19 pandemic
Sheltering in Love grant campaign receives nearly $2 million in donations; expedited grant awards given to nonprofits in 43 countries and 43 states