Global Ministries News & Stories

Joy in mission
Ben Lasley, a US-2 in Philadelphia, describes how a community garden on a small city lot brings joy and a bountiful harvest to a population that needs both.
United Methodists in the US and Russia find peace
Volunteer teams from the Baltimore-Washington Conference have worked alongside the Eurasia UMC for more than a dozen years, building a long-term relationship and embodying mutuality in mission.
Accessible health care spreads hope in Nigeria
A year-long Imagine No Malaria program provided bed nets, prophylaxis and treatment in rural communities, reaching 21,075 people in its first six months and saving 2,038 lives.
Working together for health in Zimbabwe
Led by coordinator Hannah Mafunda, the UMC health board makes the most of its resources by collaborating with other religious communities to fight diseases like coronavirus and Ebola.
ReNew congregation celebrates one-year anniversary
In its first year, ReNew UMC in California tripled its membership. This multicultural congregation partially supported by the Korean Ministry Plan focuses on fresh ideas to reach more people.
Love and relief for Venezuelan migrants
In South America, an UMCOR partnership extends the ministries of Methodists in Peru, Brazil and Colombia who offer welcome to those fleeing Venezuela.
Joys and concerns for Methodists in Mongolia
James and Grace Cho, missionaries with the 20-year-old Mongolia United Methodist Mission, are helping to lead the initiative’s transition to a self-governing faith community.
Love is patient and kind
Dr. Belinda Forbes, a missionary in Nicaragua, tells the story of Magdalia Chavez, one of the people in her neighborhood who has crossed her doorstep many times over 20 years.
Educating for peace in pan-African relations
Missionary Jane Kies reflects on how God uses her role as an English teacher at Africa University to foster peace and confidence in the lives of students in their academic careers and beyond.
Peace with justice for the Korean Peninsula
Adam Shaw (right) with Dr. Chung Koodo (center), Chairman of the No Gun Ri International Peace Foundation, and missionary Bong Dalisay (left), at the 2019…
Striving for justice in Central America
Cristian Schlick is a global missionary who works with migrants from Central America and Mexico in El Salvador. He was commissioned in June 2019 after serving for two years as a Global Mission Fellow, also in El Salvador, focused on human rights issues.
Application opens for Global Mission Fellows, US-2 track
The Global Mission Fellows program of the UMC places young adults, ages 20–30, in social justice ministries for two years of service. The program offers the opportunity for service in the US and around the world.