African News & Stories

Youth Workers Fish Farming Cote d'Ivoire
Job creation through fish farming in Côte d’Ivoire
With a grant from Global Ministries’ Yambasu Agriculture Initiative, the Côte d'Ivoire Annual Conference has constructed fishponds to produce tilapia and built a savings and loan program for women.
Clean water flows in rural Côte d’Ivoire communities
No longer having to source water from contaminated rivers, streams and wells, four villages draw clean potable water through newly built water towers with pump and wash stations.
Agriculture trainees harvest knowledge from farm VISITS
A team of 27 Yambasu Agriculture Initiative (YAI) trainees attending the Songhai Center in Benin visited two farms of Songhai graduates who have gone into farming entrepreneurship after receiving training.
Building friendships through LOVE
One of the greatest necessities and challenges for Christians is to genuinely love those whom we serve, especially those whom we do not know.
Discerning “God’s transforming voice” in mission
Jonathan, a physically challenged maintenance worker at the hospital, often catches a lift with me after work. In appreciation, Jonathan says, “May God give you long life.” He is slow at walking to the vehicle and in getting in and out.
Farming is an act of faith
When I received an email confirming my selection as a missionary to serve in Mozambique, I couldn’t believe it. When I arrived, I faced different challenges, including language, since I come from an English-speaking country.
Clean water flows in rural Côte d’Ivoire communities
No longer having to source water from contaminated rivers, streams and wells, four villages draw clean potable water through newly built water towers with pump and wash stations.
Entrepreneurial training for Yambasu Agriculture Initiative staff underway in Benin 
Twenty-seven farm and technical operatives of the Bishop John K. Yambasu Agricultural Initiative (YAI) from Sierra Leone, Liberia, Nigeria and Zimbabwe are learning agricultural entrepreneurship skills at a two-week training at Songhai Center – a research, teaching and production center in sustainable farming in Port Novo, Benin.  
Report of the general secretary to the board of directors
God’s sure mission in uncertain times.
Sarah receives a certificate UMYAF
Extending the communion table through World Communion Sunday
While many Christians across the world celebrate World Communion Sunday with the elements and rich ritual of communion, the UMC offering collected on that Sunday extend the communion table to provide tangible assistance to students around the globe.
Stopping the spread of cholera in North Katanga
Global Health partners with the North Katanga UMC for a cholera campaign that provides more treatment options and prevention measures, but also aims to change the understanding of entire communities about water safety and sanitation to stop the disease in its tracks.
Responding to drought and famine in the Horn of Africa
More than 18 million people face severe hunger in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya as they struggle to survive the worst drought in 40 years. UMCOR is responding to this unfolding crisis.