Raising nutritional levels in Sierra Leone through proactive training

By Trobby Kandala
February 7, 2023 | SIERRA LEONE
The 2022 rainy season started early, with our first rains arriving around mid-May. In preparation for the season, we developed training on nutrition and vegetable gardening. We visited two communities that are located approximately 150 milesfrom the town where I live, but it took us two days to cover the three communities we targeted: Mantantuh village from Cambia District, Mapoli village from Portloco District, and Rogban village from Tonkolili District.

The training was successful, though we had our share of transportation challenges, but we made it there and arrived back home safely. At some point, we crossed a big river on a canoe to get to our last village. I conducted the training, and a field officer and my supervisor from the Village to Village Federation helped with translations.

It was really an amazing experience. I learned quite a few things about the culture of this area of Sierra Leone because I conducted the training in a way that almost everyone was able to participate, giving them opportunities to share their knowledge about the crops we were discussing.
Crossing the wide river to get to one of the villages in the long canoe was a bit scary, but the experience turned out to be fun in the end. The boat is designed to carry at least 20 passengers with their hand luggage. The experience kept reminding me of how God loves his people and protects them from different dangers by giving them knowledge to keep them safe.

Our training covered methods of growing, organic production and post-harvest handling of crops. We explained the different food classes. We also described the nutrients found in different vegetables and how they help the body. We distributed a few seeds for the participants to try out right after the training, including onion, carrot, tomato, pepper and okra. We will revisit the communities to check on people’s progress with their crops.
Trobby Kandala works with the Village to Village Federation in Sierra Leone as an environmental advocate. He participates with local communities on different agriculture projects with the goal of providing food security and a balanced diet to those he serves.
Global Mission Fellows
Global Mission Fellows are young adults, ages 20-30, who are committed to serving in social justice ministries for two years. They enter new communities, understanding their challenges and assets through relationships and with the long-term goal to overcome systemic oppression. Fellows partner with community organizations internationally and in the U.S. to address a variety of issues, including migration/immigration, education, public health and poverty.
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