African News & Stories

Burundi UMC celebrates milestones in reconciliation
Two years into its reconciliation process, the Burundi UMC celebrates training for pastors and a reconstructed hospital.
COVID-19 prevention fosters hope in East Angola
The Rev. Dr. Leo Garcia, a missionary doctor serving in East Angola, rallied churches, health professionals and volunteers in his community to make COVID-19 prevention resources available to every household.
Statement on the death of Bishop J. Woodrow Hearn
As a director of Global Ministries from 1984 to 1992 and president of the agency from 1988 to 1992, Hearn helped to shape mission witness and service in the last two decades of the 20th century.
Health access and coverage: an issue of justice
By Kathy GriffithSeptember 2020 | ATLANTA The United Methodist Church’s Abundant Health Initiative is committed to reaching a million and more children with life-saving interventions, a goal…
Water project lightens load for new mothers
The United Methodist Church has installed rainwater-collection systems at three of its health facilities in the East Congo Episcopal Area ...
Global Ministries remembers Bishop John Yambasu
Leaders of the agency and its board of directors recall the influence Bishop Yambasu had on the church as a whole and specifically within the work of mission.
Remembering Bishop John Yambasu
Thomas Kemper reflects on the meaningful personal and professional relationship he had with Bishop Yambasu, who died on August 16 in Sierra Leone.
A short history of Global Mission Fellows
The first Methodist short-term, young adult missionary program began in 1948, sending young adults to serve 3-year assignments in Asian countries devastated during World War II. Today, Global Mission Fellows come from many different countries and serve in placements around the world.
Food relief helps in Liberia’s COVID-19 fight
Liberia is combating COVID-19 through both health and food security: the health board received an early solidarity grant from UMCOR for prevention training and the conference received a more recent UMCOR Sheltering in Love grant to provide food packages to the elderly, the physically challenged and at-risk children and youth undergoing rehabilitation at a facility in Monrovia. UMNS shares the story.
United Methodist mission in Morogoro, Tanzania
Missionaries Umba and Ngoy Kalangwa send a mission update from Morogoro, Tanzania – a reconstructed dispensary that reopens just as COVID-19 starts to spread, members of a sewing workshop who learn to craft hundreds of masks and the first woman to pastor a UMC church in the Morogoro District.
Food relief helps in Liberia’s COVID-19 fight
The United Methodist Committee on Relief and other global United Methodists are intervening in the church’s COVID-19 fight in Liberia.
A Literature Review on African Americans, Race, Racism, and Methodist Mission History
The work of overcoming racism in church and society today requires honest confrontation with racism in the past. Dr. David W. Scott has prepared a review of existing literature on African Americans, race and racism in Methodist mission history, published by the independent blog UM & Global.