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Global Ministries board of directors navigate a new age in mission
Global Ministries and UMCOR board of directors continue to shape mission ministry as they approve resources for projects, programs and personnel in a changed world.
Call for applications: UMCOR Afghan refugee resettlement reimbursement program
In support of long-time partner Church World Service’s efforts in welcoming and resettling Afghan families, UMCOR is launching the Afghan Refugee Resettlement Reimbursement program. It will reimburse up to $1,000 to local UMC’s in the U.S. that are in a sponsorship relationship with CWS.
Global Ministries, UMCOR approve $10M in grants
At the October 2021 board of directors meeting, grants were approved to support migrants around the globe, agriculture in Africa, disaster survivors in the U.S. and Haiti, and more.
Good faith and care in Covenant Partner Relationships
Cristian Schlick, a missionary from Chile serving in Mexico, expresses gratitude for Covenant Partner Relationships and the congregations that support him in ways beyond their financial pledges.
Witnessing and rejoicing in a new mission age
Discerning global mission priorities in a time of profound global change was the theme of the general secretary’s report to directors of Global Ministries, meeting virtually October 26-29.
Hartzell school embraces new technology
Early childhood teacher Ruth Nemakanga helps Patience Chipakatira learn to use a desktop computer at the United Methodist Hartzell Central Primary School in Mutare, Zimbabwe.…
Give love, joy, hope and peace in year-end campaign
Support the many ways in which mission transforms communities and empowers individuals across the globe.
New Advance open to support the equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines
“Love Beyond Borders: The Interfaith Movement to End the Pandemic” will support UNICEF’s global vaccine distribution efforts.
United Methodist Committee on Relief Grant Helps Church World Service Support Afghan Allies
Thanks to a new $100,000 grant from the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), long-time partner Church World Service, a key organization in the welcome effort, will have funds that its nationwide resettlement network can use.
UMCOR’s international humanitarian relief in 2021
UMCOR has supported partners around the world this year to provide relief for people affected by storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, COVID-19 lockdowns, armed conflict and more. This update includes key international responses and major grants.