
November 10, 2019
Love breaks through all barriers
Devotional by Joe Edward Pormai | First week of Advent

November 10, 2019
Witness to God’s love in the world
Devotional by Rev. John Calhoun | First week of Advent

November 10, 2019
67 EarthKeepers Commissioned Online
A new class of EarthKeepers from 24 United Methodist regional conferences will go forth to lead their communities in environmental stewardship projects and initiatives.

November 10, 2019
UMCOR partners with a community in the Philippines that practices “Bayanihan,” the spirit of communal unity, in the face of landslides and relocation
The community of Tamac in the Philippines partners with UMCOR through the Baguio Episcopal Area Disaster Management Office to shore up needed water sources after typhoons and a landslide destroy homes and fields.

November 7, 2019
Global Ministries stands with persecuted Philippines’ ecumenical council
As it withstands yet another attempt to discredit its prophetic witness by the Philippines Department of National Defense, General secretary Thomas Kemper states that Global Ministries stands in solidarity with the National Council of Churches in the Philippines.

November 7, 2019
Implementing class meetings in Honduras
Methodists who live in Honduras revive the Wesleyan class meeting tradition to help members discern how to be the church in mission, even in the most challenging of contexts.

October 7, 2019
Church and Community Workers biennial gathering focuses on immigration and substance abuse ministries
United Methodist Church and Community Workers gather in California for their biennial meeting to celebrate and reconnect with their colleagues for mutual support and professional networking.

October 7, 2019
Church and Community Worker Janet Lynne Horman is on a mission to help migrants
Striving to embody the church in her own community, missionary and attorney Janet Horman directs Florida Justice For Our Neighbors and provides free legal services to migrants in the U.S.

October 7, 2019
Grants build mission capacity in 54 countries
Grants totaling $853,301 will help build the capacities of United Methodist mission partner organizations around the world next year in the areas of Leadership Development, Congregational Development, Ministry with the Poor and Global Health.

October 7, 2019
‘Miracle baby’ and pastor Israel Painit answers God’s call to missionary service
When Israel Painit heard that three young adult missionaries had been detained by the government in his homeland for advocating for peace and justice, he could no longer ignore God’s nudges toward missionary service.

October 7, 2019
Focus on global migration: “What could be our ship?”
In his report to the board, general secretary Thomas Kemper named hopeful examples of mission the United Methodist people collectively do “in a fractured world and church,” with an emphasis on ministries surrounding global migration.

October 7, 2019
Hurricane Dorian: From devastation to resilience in the Bahamas
Residents of Grand Bahama Island and Abaco are receiving relief in the form of shelter, meals and hygiene items. Some are also taking great joy in being a part of the volunteer effort, serving their neighbors in the midst of their own tragedies.