
Farming is an act of faith
When I received an email confirming my selection as a missionary to serve in Mozambique, I couldn’t believe it. When I arrived, I faced different challenges, including language, since I come from an English-speaking country.
Finding “warm Mongolia” in the coldest capital in the world 
As a United Methodist clergy member from the Philippines, my missionary assignment is to serve the “coldest capital city in the world,” Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 
Lessons from Taco Tuesday
As a Global Mission Fellow US-2, I moved from my small town in Arkansas to Miami to serve as the Fundraising and Outreach Coordinator for Florida Justice for Our Neighbors, a nonprofit that provides free, high-quality immigration legal services to low-income immigrants throughout the state of Florida.
General secretary’s report: accepting and reflecting God’s grace
Roland Fernandes challenged Global Ministries’ directors to hold fast to God’s grace in a report delivered at their semiannual meeting, May 11-12.
Maundy Thursday: Communion in many forms
Although people in Western nations generally think of bread and wine as the elements served at the Last Supper, Christians around the world may relate to other elements. The Rev. Claudia Genung-Yamamoto, a missionary in Kobe, Japan, offers a Maundy Thursday devotion.
Palm Sunday: Serving God is an opportunity
Would you answer the unexpected call of Jesus to participate in Palm Sunday celebrations? GMF Sims Siamoonga shares a devotion from his work site in Kenya.
But God had different plans
Meleanitema Sapoi-Finau joined the Global Mission Fellows program, traveled across the country and discovered what God had been preparing her for all along.
Resource: Lenten reflections on mission experiences
Put your faith into action on the journey to Easter with a set of daily reflections on mission experiences of compassion, challenge and hope.
An epiphany journey as Mission Volunteers
Global Ministries’ Mission Volunteer program offers an outlet of service for a lifetime of experience for recently retired couple, Nancy Potter and George Gull.
A Christmas meditation from the general secretary
Roland Fernandes reflects on Christmas in light of the continued challenges of 2021, calling for all to rejoice and be joyful for “God is with us, God is near us.”
Health promoters graduate just at the right time
In the third Advent devotion offered by global missionaries, Nan McCurdy and Miguel Mairena write on their service in Puebla, Mexico.
Sent by Jesus
This second missionary devotion preparing the way for Advent and the coming of Christ into the world is written by a missionary couple, J. and T. Park.