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Healthy Youth USA
Charles Sharper and Kayla Toliver share about the Healthy Youth USA Foundation, promoting youth development through after school programming, sports, recreation and other activities. Through the provision of a $99,616.00 grant, the Global Health Unit was able to provide scholarships for 38-50 children and cover administrative costs for additional staff.
UMCOR partners to produce a groundbreaking study on U.S. water access
A new study on water access in the U.S., produced by DigDeep and the U.S. Water Alliance and supported by UMCOR and other partners, reveals that 2 million people in the United States lack access to indoor plumbing, safe drinking water and adequate wastewater sanitation.
UMCOR distributes school kits to Native communities
Watch as school supplies are distributed to Mark Twain Elementary School in Oklahoma.
Enhancing food security of olive farmers in Palestine
Through UMCOR funding, the Agricultural Development Association (PARC) in Palestine has implemented a project to enhance the food security of olive farmers in Eastern Gaza.
Traditional Ivorian dish cooking up profits for women
With the help of a $200,000 UMCOR grant, United Methodist women in Côte d'Ivoire have seen their dream of opening a processing plant for a popular local dish become a reality.
Climate change and God’s abundance
The Rev. Jenny Phillips, senior technical advisor for environmental sustainability, explores how the impact of climate change on natural disasters, global migration, health and agriculture intersects with God’s creation and our understanding of abundance and scarcity.
Emily Burns: Gardening for food equality
Serving at Sunnyside United Methodist Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Emily Burns works to combat issues of food insecurity in her community as a Global Mission Fellow and EarthKeeper by supporting and developing a community garden and food pantry.
EarthKeepers project seeks new life using discarded plastics in downtown Birmingham
Church of the Reconciler UMC in downtown Birmingham, Alabama, uses an EarthKeepers grant to test the viability of increasing community plastic recycling and employment opportunities with a small-scale recycle business within the church.
Faithful abundance
Eric Soard recounts the abundance of relationships and support received from local leaders and community members while working to plant churches in Tanzania, where he's served as a missionary alongside his wife and three children for the last ten years.
Missionaries at Africa University train leaders to embrace an ever-changing world
Abundance can be shared across communities in many ways. Africa University produces well-trained agriculturists, some of whom who have become missionaries in other countries, spreading methods for abundant crops and deeper spiritual lives.