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The Christian call for peacemaking
Deinah Lorpu Quire, a Global Mission Fellow from Liberia, has been on a peace pilgrimage her whole life. From Liberia, to Sri Lanka, to the border between the two Koreas, Quire has listened to sorrow, accompanied strangers and urged the practice of forgiveness wherever God sends her.
How Gandhi inspired Methodist peacemakers
Mohandas K. Gandhi, who was neither Methodist nor Christian, inspired generations of Methodist and United Methodist missionaries seeking nonviolent ways to work for peace and change the balance of power.
Solidarity, training and relief in coronavirus response
Global Ministries’ coronavirus response is reaching those in need internationally and in the U.S. In addition to grants from the Sheltering in Love UMCOR COVID-19 Response Fund, 32 solidarity grants have been dispersed from UMCOR, Global Health and other program units, totaling about $346,000.
Relief and fresh water for the Bahamas
UMCOR assisted several Methodist-related partners in the relief phase of the Dorian Hurricane response in the Bahamas. This year, UMCOR continues to support those partners working on shelter and case management, and a new partner moves forward to help the islands provide fresh water for 70,000 people.
COVID-19 response continues through “Sheltering in Love” grants
Mission makes an impact as partners around the world are awarded funds to address issues intensified by the spread of the coronavirus.
COVID-19 Training Materials
To control the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak, the General Board of Global Ministries, recommends observing simple everyday preventive actions, WHO and the CDC infection prevention and control measures, that help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses.
Global Ministries and UMCOR COVID-19 Response
The spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) around the world demands the attention of the global ecumenical community.
2020 class of international Global Mission Fellows canceled because of coronavirus
Based on health and logistical factors linked to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Global Mission Fellow program will skip of year of sending young adults to serve in international justice-related ministries.
New missionaries blessed in virtual service of worship
On Wednesday, April 29, a global virtual congregation blessed 21 new United Methodist missionaries. They come from eight countries and will go forth to serve in 15 countries.
Lessons from missionaries on staying connected
Dr. David Scott examines what we can learn from missionaries amid the coronavirus restrictions. Missionaries have long experience in putting love into action in unfamiliar settings. In this third and final reflection, he considers how focusing on concrete acts of service helps to cultivate a sense of compassion that keeps us connected to the world around us.