Agriculture News & Stories

Greenhouses enrich lives at church mission opens a new window
With support from the Yambasu Agriculture Initiative, two greenhouses at Zimbabwe’s Hanwa Mission are helping to fight climate change and grow education at the mission’s schools.
Missionary plants, tends, teaches and so much more
Edmond Makowa, agriculture missionary assigned to the East Congo Episcopal Area, integrates asset-based community development in all aspects of his work.
Lives of women in Bomjesus change through faith in God
“When people of God come together and seek God´s help, the impact can be big,” says missionary Nana Katembo of women in the Bomjesus community in Angola.
Yambasu Initiative yields abundant harvests in third year
Since 2020, the Yambasu Agriculture Initiative has awarded 22 grants to 19 United Methodist annual conferences as they develop self-sustaining agriculture ministries.
Yambasu grant helps mission farms flourish opens a new window
Four farms in Zimbabwe saw bumper harvests after receiving support from Global Ministries’ Yambasu Agriculture Initiative.
Reinvestment in Yambasu Initiative projects leads to growth
Reinvestment, a key component and goal in Yambasu Agriculture Initiative projects, is yielding fruits leading to growth and expansion across Africa.
YAI transforms lives and gives hope to farming communities in Africa
Global Ministries Board of Directors approved an allocation of $5 million for the Yambasu Agriculture Initiative to provide grants to various African annual conferences throughout 2023.
Songhai training ignites new drive in Yambasu Agriculture Initiative farmers
Yambasu Agriculture Initiative farmers who recently trained with the YAI program in Porto Novo, Benin, realize tremendous change and results in their farming skills upon returning home.
Yambasu Agriculture Initiative takes root in Mozambique
Where once the land was wild and idol, 75 acres of land owned by the Mozambique United Methodist Church have been put into production and now yield fruits in their harvest seasons.
Agriculture Initiative in Mozambique
Where once the land was wild and idol, 75 acres of land owned by the Mozambique United Methodist Church have been put into production and now yield fruits in their harvest seasons.
Youth Workers Fish Farming Cote d'Ivoire
Job creation through fish farming in Côte d’Ivoire
With a grant from Global Ministries’ Yambasu Agriculture Initiative, the Côte d'Ivoire Annual Conference has constructed fishponds to produce tilapia and built a savings and loan program for women.
Agriculture trainees harvest knowledge from farm VISITS
A team of 27 Yambasu Agriculture Initiative (YAI) trainees attending the Songhai Center in Benin visited two farms of Songhai graduates who have gone into farming entrepreneurship after receiving training.