North American News & Stories

Global Ministries/UMCOR response to COVID-19 pandemic
General Secretary Roland Fernandes outlines the United Methodist mission agency's globally inclusive response to the COVID-19 pandemic, seeking to "do no harm" and alleviate human suffering.
Human Relations Day grant provides equity for Glenville residents
Cory United Methodist Church in Glenville, Cleveland, Ohio, offers a ministry of financial education, restoring a tradition from the 1950s.
Justice for asylum seekers requires patience and persistence
Two years after the UMCOR, CWS and JFON partnership, asylum cases are finally moving. Confusing policies and pandemic closures have kept asylum seekers with legitimate cases in limbo.
Laughter in the midst of chaos: God is hope
The fourth and final Advent devotion in our 2021 missionary series comes from Shiree Fetterly, a US-2 Global Mission Fellow from Michigan serving with Metropolitan Ministries in Tampa, Florida.
Blessed to be alive in Mayfield, Kentucky
UMCOR supports partners in the aftermath of December tornadoes.
A Christmas meditation from the general secretary
Roland Fernandes reflects on Christmas in light of the continued challenges of 2021, calling for all to rejoice and be joyful for “God is with us, God is near us.”
Newly commissioned EarthKeepers heed a call to heal creation
Global Ministries commissions 17 EarthKeepers from nine U.S. states and the Philippines for ministries that care for the Earth.
Global Ministries to commission EarthKeepers for environmental stewardship
Seventeen new Global Ministries EarthKeepers will launch creation care projects in their local communities.
New Advance open to support the equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines
“Love Beyond Borders: The Interfaith Movement to End the Pandemic” will support UNICEF’s global vaccine distribution efforts.
UMCOR responses in 2021 continue to climb
A three-part overview of the work of UMCOR in the first three-quarters of 2021. This Part 1 in the series outlines disaster response in the United States.
Remembering 9/11 on the 20th Anniversary
For 5 years, UMCOR assisted those who lost loved ones and livelihoods as a result of the 9/11 attacks. On this 20th anniversary, read General Secretary Roland Fernandes’ remembrance of that day and the days that followed
UMCOR’s response to Hurricane Ida
In response to the widespread destruction caused by Hurricane Ida, a Category 4 storm that made landfall on the U.S. gulf coast on August 29, UMCOR remains in prayer and is providing relief for the many communities that were in its path.