European/Eurasian News & Stories

Resource: Reflective poems on migration
To more deeply reflect on the topic of migration, listen to this set of poems written and narrated by the Rev. Jack Amick, director of…
Teaching the power of Christ’s words
Doug taught three history classes spring semester 2019, the Early and Medieval Church, the Reformation, and the Enlightenment to Today. Kulli taught systematic theology. This year, we have an amazing group of students who are highly engaged and ask a lot of good (and sometimes difficult!) questions.
Walking through the Light
A Lenten devotion on how the coronavirus crisis is illuminating deeply rooted injustices
Recurring floods in Bangladesh addressed through an UMCOR – Muslim Aid/UK partnership
UMCOR partners with Muslim Aid/UK in Bangladesh to strengthen the resiliency of communities that face annual flooding.
Learning through relationship
Watch as Allison Lindsey, board member from the South Georgia Annual Conference, recounts trips to the North Katanga Annual Conference and how lasting relationships centered in mission have been built between the two conferences.
Holding someone’s hand is the beginning of every peace journey
Devotional by Jin Yang Kim | Fourth week of Advent
Witness to God’s love in the world
Devotional by Rev. John Calhoun | First week of Advent
Grants build mission capacity in 54 countries
Grants totaling $853,301 will help build the capacities of United Methodist mission partner organizations around the world next year in the areas of Leadership Development, Congregational Development, Ministry with the Poor and Global Health.
From integration to transformation: multicultural ministry in the midst of migration
Highlights of the August session of the Institute for Multicultural Ministry in Germany.