Asian/Pacific News & Stories

The forlorn hope
Growing out of UMCOR's commitment to support displaced populations, National Justice for Our Neighbors (NJFON) advocates for the rights of refugees and immigrants, like working to reunite a Rohingya family in Virginia.
Honoring Christ’s life in mission with migrants
Missionaries Richard and Alma Navarro invite readers to share in “Tahanan” ministry, their work of care and accompaniment for Filipino migrant workers in Taiwan.
Mission for Migrant Workers
As the number of cases of unfair treatment of migrants workers in Hong Kong, S.A.R. continues to rise, MFMW steps in to provide much needed resources.
Hope for the weary, food for the hungry
Devotional by Devorah Umpig-Julian | Third week of Advent
Joy in Jesus
Devotional by Clara M. Biswas | Second week of Advent
UMCOR partners with a community in the Philippines that practices “Bayanihan,” the spirit of communal unity, in the face of landslides and relocation
The community of Tamac in the Philippines partners with UMCOR through the Baguio Episcopal Area Disaster Management Office to shore up needed water sources after typhoons and a landslide destroy homes and fields.
Global Ministries stands with persecuted Philippines’ ecumenical council
As it withstands yet another attempt to discredit its prophetic witness by the Philippines Department of National Defense, General secretary Thomas Kemper states that Global Ministries stands in solidarity with the National Council of Churches in the Philippines.
Grants build mission capacity in 54 countries
Grants totaling $853,301 will help build the capacities of United Methodist mission partner organizations around the world next year in the areas of Leadership Development, Congregational Development, Ministry with the Poor and Global Health.
Supporting mothers and babies for a healthy start
Breastfeeding is a good way for mothers to give their babies a healthy start in life. The Abundant Health Initiative honors World Breastfeeding Week with stories of mothers and babies who thrive with the help of simple and practical health interventions.
In Focus: Sustainable Development
During the month of July, follow along as we share the importance and impact of UMCOR’s sustainable development work around the world.
A caring ministry for survivors of terrorist attacks
For World Communion scholar, Insar Gohar, studies in the U.S. prepared him to return to Pakistan to answer a call to ministry, counseling survivors of the kind of trauma and terror his immediate and extended family experienced.
Missionaries represent many facets of God’s mission today
Katherine Parker, a missionary in Nepal, believes the work of the United Mission to Nepal serves as a positive model for participation in the missio Dei, the mission of God. Third in a Three-part series.