All News & Stories

A new era for health care in Tunda, East Congo
Methodism was planted and took root 100-years ago among the Otetela-speaking people of Tunda in Eastern Congo. This year, United Methodists there completed construction of a new hospital.
Declaration on global vaccine equity
Global Ministries staff participated in the development of the declaration on vaccine equity and the agency supports its call for worldwide distribution and accessibility of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Couple “sows the word” with their service and garden
Mission volunteers Lyn and Gene Saltzman are putting their deep knowledge of farming to use in Tennessee, planting and harvesting produce for four counties served by Reelfoot Rural Ministries.
Methodists appeal for peace in Jerusalem
The World Methodist Council, Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church and the Methodist Church in Britain - partners in the Jerusalem Methodist Liaison Office - issue a joint statement on continuing violence in Jerusalem.
Displaced families in Yemen receive hope in UMCOR packages
After six years of civil war with no end in sight, thousands of Yemeni families are caught in what the United Nations describes as the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today.
We learned to love our neighbors
Better crops, more income to send children to school, better health – out of all the outcomes beneficiaries of the CHAD program in Cambodia receive, they rate learning to love their neighbors as number one.
Global Ministries and UMCOR’s ongoing response to COVID-19
As cases surge in places like India and Brazil, Global Ministries and UMCOR continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic through health and humanitarian efforts.
Discovery events offered for those interested in volunteer service
Virtual gatherings hosted by Global Ministries’ Mission Volunteer office in June 2021 will cover the basics of volunteer service.
Still thanking God for Imagine No Malaria
The Imagine No Malaria program partners with United Methodist health ministries in some of the most affected and least resourced populations on earth to stop this parasitic disease from claiming more human life.
Global Ministries commits to net-zero emissions by 2050
Global Ministries joins a coalition of 11 United Methodist agencies pledging to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across the organizations’ ministries, facilities, operations and investments.