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UMCOR supports Afghans in need
In collaboration with long-standing partners, UMCOR is providing humanitarian relief and is prepared to assist with refugee resettlement.
UMCOR issues first grants for Haiti relief
In response to the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that rocked Haiti on August 14, UMCOR is working with partners to provide urgently needed medical supplies to Haitian hospitals.
Earthquake in Haiti: UMCOR’s response
On Saturday, August 14, 2021, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake produced widespread destruction in the western region of Haiti.   As of August 20, more than 2,200 are dead…
Standing with Haiti amid quake and storm
United Methodists are working with longtime partners in Haiti after a 7.2-magnitude earthquake and as a major storm drenches the island. The church previously helped rebuild after the 2010 temblor.
Hate is the other pandemic
In response to an increase in violence against Asian Americans in the U.S., a series of monthly webinars is creating a safe space where Asian Americans and their allies can learn about and discuss issues of racism.
Growing community with the help of an organic garden
EarthKeeper Angie Gage in Cherokee Village, Arkansas, discovers how growing a garden can build community, provide food and feed the soul.
Food supplies being sorted
Preparing the way – UMCOR supports conferences in disaster readiness
UMCOR partners with the Florida Annual Conference to develop a “Blue Sky” disaster preparedness program, getting ready for probable weather events in fall 2021 and beyond.
Discover the growth of mission in Vietnam and Laos
Join Global Ministries and U.S. annual conference partners for an overview of United Methodist mission in Vietnam and Laos.
Protecting breastfeeding – a shared responsibility
In sub-Saharan Africa, Global Ministries focuses particularly on abundant health for pregnant women, mothers and young children in economically vulnerable communities. For World Breastfeeding Week, remember that breastfeeding is an invaluable part of health for both mother and child.
Supplies picked up on bikes in North Katanga
Falling malaria rates in Kamina attributed to awareness campaign and subsidized care
The Lupandilo Hospital in Kamina, North Katanga, DRC, has recorded a 50% drop in malaria deaths over the past two years, a result of an Imagine No Malaria campaign that provides free nets, treatment and information for communities.