
March 17, 2020
Methodist Church of Puerto Rico brings hope to those impacted by earthquake swarm
With more than 950 earthquakes and aftershocks recorded and more than 800 homes damaged since December 2019, the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico (MPCR) and its social holiness agency, Rebuilding Communities With Hope (REHACE), have made it a priority to bring a message of hope to people throughout the island in 2020.

March 17, 2020
Recurring floods in Bangladesh addressed through an UMCOR – Muslim Aid/UK partnership
UMCOR partners with Muslim Aid/UK in Bangladesh to strengthen the resiliency of communities that face annual flooding.

March 9, 2020
Providing relief now and into the future
Lara Martin, executive director of the United Methodist Committee on Relief, shares her excitement to lead UMCOR’s work of alleviating suffering around the world.

March 9, 2020
Mission is: Relief
Alleviating human suffering through food, water, loans, crops, worship, prayer, kindness, rest.

February 22, 2020
Partnering for abundant health across Nigeria
In Nigeria, United Methodist health facilities in rural areas have been working to improve their outreach into the communities they serve, building a strong, integrated health system that families and individuals can trust.

February 22, 2020
No longer a generation of anguish but a generation of hope
The United Methodist Health Board in Zambia joined local partners in Kitwe to organize and commemorate World AIDS Day 2019, “Communities making a difference, pressing toward ending AIDS.” The public celebration encouraged the public to get tested, know their status, and fight the stigma associated with HIV and AIDS.

February 22, 2020
Healthy Youth USA
Charles Sharper and Kayla Toliver share about the Healthy Youth USA Foundation, promoting youth development through after school programming, sports, recreation and other activities. Through the provision of a $99,616.00 grant, the Global Health Unit was able to provide scholarships for 38-50 children and cover administrative costs for additional staff.

February 22, 2020
UMCOR partners to produce a groundbreaking study on U.S. water access
A new study on water access in the U.S., produced by DigDeep and the U.S. Water Alliance and supported by UMCOR and other partners, reveals that 2 million people in the United States lack access to indoor plumbing, safe drinking water and adequate wastewater sanitation.

February 22, 2020
UMCOR distributes school kits to Native communities
Watch as school supplies are distributed to Mark Twain Elementary School in Oklahoma.

February 22, 2020
Enhancing food security of olive farmers in Palestine
Through UMCOR funding, the Agricultural Development Association (PARC) in Palestine has implemented a project to enhance the food security of olive farmers in Eastern Gaza.

February 22, 2020
Traditional Ivorian dish cooking up profits for women
With the help of a $200,000 UMCOR grant, United Methodist women in Côte d'Ivoire have seen their dream of opening a processing plant for a popular local dish become a reality.

February 22, 2020
Climate change and God’s abundance
The Rev. Jenny Phillips, senior technical advisor for environmental sustainability, explores how the impact of climate change on natural disasters, global migration, health and agriculture intersects with God’s creation and our understanding of abundance and scarcity.