Global Ministries News & Stories
June 3, 2020
Lamentation and bitter weeping
Bishop Hee-Soo Jung, president of the board of Global Ministries, grieves over the unjust deaths of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery and challenges disciples of Jesus Christ to step forth in action.
June 2, 2020
“We treat, but God heals”: missionary couple serves hospital in Zimbabwe
Emmanuel and Florence Mefor from Nigeria serve as a doctor and midwife at Mutambara Mission Hospital, providing care for more than 140,000 people in the region.
June 2, 2020
Texas Mission Volunteer continues lifetime commitment to mission
All Sue McCuistion ever wanted to do was make a difference. As a Mission Volunteer, she does this by embodying the love and healing of Christ in communities all around the world.
June 2, 2020
Finding a Way: Food Security and Fellowship
Asti White, a Global Mission Fellow, discusses how his ministry in Michigan is addressing food injustice and how they've adapted their methods of fellowship amidst crisis.
June 2, 2020
Partners in health and healing: conferences come together for DRC hospital upgrades
Through their relationship in mission, the North Texas, West Ohio and North Katanga annual conferences celebrate vital upgrades to Lupandilo Hospital in Kamina, DRC.
June 2, 2020
Lamentation and Bitter Weeping
Bishop Hee-Soo Jung, president of the board of Global Ministries, grieves over the unjust deaths of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery and challenges disciples of Jesus Christ to step forth in action.
May 25, 2020
Peace in the midst of pandemic
Vicki McCuistion reflects on the work of UMCOR in the Rio Texas Conference and how her training as a disaster recovery asset manager prepared her to navigate a different kind of disaster: the coronavirus.
May 25, 2020
Building bridges between people and land
Daoud Nassar highlights the four principles of the Tent of Nations, a family farm operating on the Palestinian West Bank, which strives to bring different cultures together to develop understanding and respect for one another and their shared land.
May 25, 2020
Slow, persistent work of peace in Afghanistan
For more than 40 years, Global Ministries and UMCOR have supported health and development work in Afghanistan through an ecumenical partner agency. The work continues today.
May 25, 2020
Witnesses for peace in Ukraine
Even while following strict COVID-19 quarantine orders in Ukraine, United Methodists pray for peace and resolution to the ongoing armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. Missionary John Calhoun has the story.
May 25, 2020
Wings of the Morning
Early in March the North Katanga Wings of the Morning pilot, Gaston Ntambo Nkulu, was asked to fly a peace mission to the Tanganyika province to facilitate peace negotiations in Nyunzu. George Howard shares the story.
May 25, 2020
From Darkness to Light: Transformation
The Rev. Dr. Richard Boone, Church and Community Worker missionary with the West Ohio Conference, tells the story of how an inmate experiences transformation through the Horizon Prison Initiative.