Are you interested in learning more about United Methodist missionaries? Do you wonder what day-to-day life is like in mission? #STILLINMISSION is a monthly Zoom event where you can hear first-hand experience from missionaries about their call to mission and the communities they serve. Join us to see how missionaries share God’s love in partnership with communities around the world.

#StillInMission Episode 52
Thursday, December 7, 2023
12 p.m. (ET)
missionaries featured in this event

William Lovelace
Ministry to Migrants Consultant with
UMC Harstad in Norway

Ngoy Kalangwa
Coordinator of Methodist School & the Director of Suzannah Wesley Training and Health Center

Ruel Jade Lucas Zaldivar
Youth Ministry Development Coordinator with the Surf Project
Missionary Christmas Celebration December 14, 2023 9 a.m. (ET)