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Advocates for the early release of some prisoners say COVID-19 has exposed the broken and unjust prison systems where 2.2 million people — disproportionally people of color — live in overcrowded cells without proper protection and testing for the disease.

Gum Moon Residence, Red Bird Mission and Henderson Settlement – U.S. Mission Institutions - received UMCOR COVID-19 grants to extend their missions to keep people fed, housed and connected during the pandemic.

Seven UMCOR COVID-19 grants helped churches in Brazil offer much needed relief for at-risk children, seniors, and families of health workers.

Churches use UMCOR Sheltering in Love grants to supply food to immigrant communities across the United States.

Seven UMCOR COVID-19 grants from the Sheltering in Love campaign are making a difference through caring Methodist congregations in Brazil. Support in the form of food, rent assistance, masks and protective equipment, and education about the best preventive hygiene are ministries Brazilian Methodists undertake to serve their neighbors.

Among the recipients of the UMCOR Rapid Response COVID-19 grants are some of the United Methodist National Mission Institutions with long histories of service in their communities. Gum Moon Residence, Red Bird Mission and Henderson Settlement extended their missions to keep people fed, housed and connected.

Sheltering in Love grant campaign receives nearly $2 million in donations; expedited grant awards given to nonprofits in 43 countries and 43 states.

As a federal moratorium that protected an estimated 12 million people from eviction expires, two United Methodist agencies, Restore Hope Ministries in Oklahoma and Good Neighbor Settlement House in Texas, have used UMCOR COVID-19 grants to keep people from being evicted and assist them when they have nowhere else to go but the streets.

Two years into its reconciliation process, the Burundi UMC celebrates training for pastors and a reconstructed hospital.

Seven ministry partners across Brazil have received United Methodist Committee on Relief COVID-19 Sheltering in Love grants to extend their caring outreach deeper into their…

Since early 2020, Global Ministries and the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) have followed a broad, proactive course in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.…

Collaborations with health professionals, missionaries, disaster management coordinators and faith leaders have allowed for a global response to COVID-19 by Global Ministries and UMCOR. From…