Middle Eastern News & Stories
May 25, 2020
Slow, persistent work of peace in Afghanistan
For more than 40 years, Global Ministries and UMCOR have supported health and development work in Afghanistan through an ecumenical partner agency. The work continues today.
April 16, 2020
Resource: Reflective poems on migration
To more deeply reflect on the topic of migration, listen to this set of poems written and narrated by the Rev. Jack Amick, director of…
February 22, 2020
Enhancing food security of olive farmers in Palestine
Through UMCOR funding, the Agricultural Development Association (PARC) in Palestine has implemented a project to enhance the food security of olive farmers in Eastern Gaza.
October 7, 2019
Grants build mission capacity in 54 countries
Grants totaling $853,301 will help build the capacities of United Methodist mission partner organizations around the world next year in the areas of Leadership Development, Congregational Development, Ministry with the Poor and Global Health.
October 7, 2019
‘Miracle baby’ and pastor Israel Painit answers God’s call to missionary service
When Israel Painit heard that three young adult missionaries had been detained by the government in his homeland for advocating for peace and justice, he could no longer ignore God’s nudges toward missionary service.
July 5, 2019
Methodist Delegation Sees ‘Bitter Fruits’ of Palestinian Occupation
Methodist representatives express horror at the military occupation of the Palestinian people following a visit to Israel and Palestine. The delegation plans to maintain a joint presence in the region in an effort to walk in solidarity with those of all faiths who seek justice, peace and equal rights through nonviolent actions.
March 28, 2019
Envisioning new scenes: trauma rehabilitation offers hope in Iraq
With the help of a grant from the United Methodist Committee on Relief, hundreds of women and men receive psychosocial support to recover from their experiences of violent conflict and displacement from home.