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Showing Results for: in mission together

James and Grace Cho, missionaries with the Mongolia United Methodist Mission, offer an update on plans for how the 20-year-old mission initiative will transition from a mission to a self-governing faith community.

Holy Week becomes a time for fellowship and play for grade-schoolers in Liberia. Every year for the past several years, the Rev. Jacob Nathan has organized and led a camp for grade school children. Last year, we had Easter Camp on the campus of the Zacchaeus Garjay United Methodist School (UMS) in Gboko Town, Grand Bassa County, Liberia.

How do we draw strength from Christmas this year for the work of God’s mission in the world? Roland Fernandes, general secretary of Global Ministries, shares four lessons.

Mission does not ask that we focus on what is deficient. Mission asks that we celebrate the abundance of skills, resources, knowledge and creativity which God gives all people and communities.

The United Methodist Abundant Health Initiative reaches and exceeds its 1 million children goal…and keeps going.