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Global Ministries and UMCOR lift hold on payments of approved grants
The temporary hold placed on approved grants in March has been lifted, allowing more than $29 million to be released over the remaining months of the year.
UMCOR expands efforts against the coronavirus; launches giving campaign and COVID-19 Response Fund
Through the COVID-19 Response Fund, UMCOR plans to release grants to equip partners who assist vulnerable populations in the U.S. and around the world impacted by COVID-19.
Teaching the power of Christ’s words
As we celebrate the reality of the risen Christ in our lives and churches during the season of Easter, here are a few updates related to how we have served our risen Lord in Estonia.
Honor 50th anniversary of Earth Day by joining Creation Care Network
Connect with leaders in creation care to share ideas, resources and support for environmental ministries.
Lessons from missionaries on staying connected
Amid the disruptions caused by the coronavirus, people seek new ways to maintain spiritual and social connections. This second of three reflections looks at how missionaries stay connected to social support networks with communication and mutual prayer, even when they are physically distant from those they love.
Cultivating faith
Commissioned as EarthKeepers in 2019 and now collaborating cross-country, the Rev. Crystal Paul Watson and her mother Lavanda Paul have developed and are launching a creation care curriculum for youth and young adults.
Resource: Reflective poems on migration
To more deeply reflect on the topic of migration, listen to this set of poems written and narrated by the Rev. Jack Amick, director of…
Along the U.S. southern border
Last Lenten season, we participated in the Immigration Immersion program on the southern border.
Teaching the power of Christ’s words
Doug taught three history classes spring semester 2019, the Early and Medieval Church, the Reformation, and the Enlightenment to Today. Kulli taught systematic theology. This year, we have an amazing group of students who are highly engaged and ask a lot of good (and sometimes difficult!) questions.
Along the U.S. southern border
Last Lenten season, we participated in the Immigration Immersion program on the southern border. We began by visiting the huge border patrol campus to learn their perspective on border security and how they address it.