Missionaries News & Stories

UMCOR-trained volunteers working to help Tennessee recover
UMCOR began providing support to its local partners mere hours after the EF-4 tornado left a path of destruction across regions of the state on Monday, March 2.
Traditional Ivorian dish cooking up profits for women
With the help of a $200,000 UMCOR grant, United Methodist women in Côte d'Ivoire have seen their dream of opening a processing plant for a popular local dish become a reality.
Emily Burns: Gardening for food equality
Serving at Sunnyside United Methodist Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Emily Burns works to combat issues of food insecurity in her community as a Global Mission Fellow and EarthKeeper by supporting and developing a community garden and food pantry.
Faithful abundance
Eric Soard recounts the abundance of relationships and support received from local leaders and community members while working to plant churches in Tanzania, where he's served as a missionary alongside his wife and three children for the last ten years.
Missionaries at Africa University train leaders to embrace an ever-changing world
Abundance can be shared across communities in many ways. Africa University produces well-trained agriculturists, some of whom who have become missionaries in other countries, spreading methods for abundant crops and deeper spiritual lives.
Mission is: Abundance
Mission does not ask that we focus on what is deficient. Mission asks that we celebrate the abundance of skills, resources, knowledge and creativity which God gives all people and communities.
Walls, borders, and open tables – Global Mission Fellows in Tijuana, Mexico
Working as migration ministry advocates on Mexico’s northern border with the U.S., Yabes Manokaran and Eric Agron hear the stories – family stories, political stories, religious stories – dangerous and beautiful stories of the lives of people in transit, trying to find safety.
Trip to farms and villages brings new understanding
Missionary Lorraine Charinda describes the obstacles she’s overcome and the lessons she’s learned on a journey to visit communities and institutions in the North Katanga area, all part of evaluating the reach of her ministries.
Missionary pilot continues lifesaving work
For nearly 20 years, missionary Rukang Chikob has served as a pilot for Wings of the Morning, an aviation ministry in South Congo.
Mission is: Relationship
Relationship is at the heart of mission. Cultivating relationships across boundaries because of the good news God offers us in Christ is a foundational and sustaining part of our work as United Methodists.
Holding someone’s hand is the beginning of every peace journey
Devotional by Jin Yang Kim | Fourth week of Advent
Gateway to freedom: Peace with justice
Devotional by Angela A. Reed | Fourth week of Advent