Global Missionaries News & Stories

April 8, 2020
A pastors’ retreat on the theme of violence
Ardell Graner, a missionary serving in the Dominican Republic, offers a practical exercise that helped a group of pastors focus on families and individuals affected by domestic violence in their communities.

April 8, 2020
Growth through education
Missionary Ellyn Dubberly teaches at a Methodist school in El Salvador, where the school and the students who study there continue to grow.

April 8, 2020
Methodists in Mongolia envision the future
James and Grace Cho, missionaries with the Mongolia United Methodist Mission, offer an update on plans for how the 20-year-old mission initiative will transition from a mission to a self-governing faith community.

April 7, 2020
Like child’s play
Holy Week becomes a time for fellowship and play for grade-schoolers in Liberia. Every year for the past several years, the Rev. Jacob Nathan has organized and led a camp for grade school children.

April 1, 2020
A harvest of knowledge
This season of Lent opens doors for us to change into the person that God wants us to be. Step up and do your part. Christ will soon offer his life to us. Be the first to offer your life to God.

March 18, 2020
Healing and hope in Nepal: Patan Academy of Health Sciences
Dr. Mark Zimmerman, a missionary doctor serving in Nepal, shares the story of one of his patients, a young woman who is still coping with the aftereffects of a 2015 earthquake that claimed most of her family.

February 21, 2020
Faithful abundance
Eric Soard recounts the abundance of relationships and support received from local leaders and community members while working to plant churches in Tanzania, where he's served as a missionary alongside his wife and three children for the last ten years.

February 21, 2020
Missionaries at Africa University train leaders to embrace an ever-changing world
Abundance can be shared across communities in many ways. Africa University produces well-trained agriculturists, some of whom who have become missionaries in other countries, spreading methods for abundant crops and deeper spiritual lives.

January 23, 2020
Trip to farms and villages brings new understanding
Missionary Lorraine Charinda describes the obstacles she’s overcome and the lessons she’s learned on a journey to visit communities and institutions in the North Katanga area, all part of evaluating the reach of her ministries.

January 23, 2020
Missionary pilot continues lifesaving work
For nearly 20 years, missionary Rukang Chikob has served as a pilot for Wings of the Morning, an aviation ministry in South Congo.

December 10, 2019
Holding someone’s hand is the beginning of every peace journey
Devotional by Jin Yang Kim | Fourth week of Advent

December 10, 2019
Hope for the weary, food for the hungry
Devotional by Devorah Umpig-Julian | Third week of Advent