United Methodist mission in Morogoro, Tanzania

By Umba Kalangwa
July 2020 | ATLANTA
Umba Kalangwa and Ngoy Mulanga Kalangwa are a Congolese missionary couple who have served in Tanzania since 1992, sent out first by Bishop Ngoy of the North Katanga area to the Masai people in Morogoro. Today, the Tanzania Annual Conference is part of the North Katanga Episcopal Area, overseen by Bishop Mande Muyombo.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve in Tanzania, Suzannah Wesley Training Center is working hard at creating a supportive space of healing for hundreds of people around Morogoro, which is about 150 miles west of the capital, Dar El Salaam. As of mid-May, we have sewn and distributed 300 face masks to elders and another 150 to the Masai community.
With your generous support, you provided hope and safety to men, women and children who received face masks during this pandemic. We will get through these tough times together by taking care of one another.
We also provided COVID-19 prevention and safety information. We anticipate more positive tests during Tanzania’s cold months – June and July.
Suzannah Wesley Dispensary

Generous support and prayers have enabled us to rehabilitate Suzannah Wesley Dispensary, so that we can provide quality health care for all. The dispensary’s dedication to serving the needs of the surrounding neighborhood has been an important part of its mission since its founding. It is a life-line for low income families living in unsanitary conditions in the neighborhood. For several months, we had to stop service because the building needed rehabilitation. Now, most of the work is done, and we anticipate reopening officially in June. The dispensary now has one doctor, one nurse and one laboratory technician.
Again, we give thanks for the work and God’s love you embody through your prayers and support to serve the least of these. Our mission as United Methodists is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. No one can do that alone. We must be connected to transform the world. Our ministry is a shared ministry. Each of us is called to participate in the ministry of Jesus Christ.
Morogoro Pastors Training School
Yunisi Kulanga is the senior pastor at Morogoro UMC. She is one of my students. She is also the first female student to attend Morogoro Pastors Training School and the first female pastor to serve in the Morogoro District.
The vision of the Morogoro Pastors Training School is to train both men and women for leadership in the church.

Some of our mission activities, such as our yearly pastoral training that normally starts in June, our elders’ ministry program and sewing training have been put on hold because of COVID-19. We will be able to resume these activities once the stay-at-home order is lifted in Tanzania. Nevertheless, we are still doing mission and reaching out to our community. We continue to ask for your prayers that God would keep this COVID-19 away from all of us.
If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. 1 Corinthians 12:26. (RSV)
We give thanks to the Lord for everyone who has prayed for, financially supported and encouraged our mission. Ngoy and I pray often for you and want to tell you how much we care and love you, and are believing for the best over your lives, even during trying times.
The Rev. Umba Kalangwa serves as a missionary, superintendent of the Kigoma District, director of Morogoro Pastors Training Center and coordinator of the outreach ministry in rural areas. Ngoy Mulanga Kalangwa is coordinator of Methodist schools in Morogoro and director of the Suzannah Wesley Training Center and Dispensary.