African News & Stories

Coming together for health in Zimbabwe
An interview with Hannah S. Mafunda, Health Coordinator, Zimbabwe Episcopal Area Health Board
“We treat, but God heals”: missionary couple serves hospital in Zimbabwe
Emmanuel and Florence Mefor from Nigeria serve as a doctor and midwife at Mutambara Mission Hospital, providing care for more than 140,000 people in the region.
Partners in health and healing: conferences come together for DRC hospital upgrades
Through their relationship in mission, the North Texas, West Ohio and North Katanga annual conferences celebrate vital upgrades to Lupandilo Hospital in Kamina, DRC.
Wings of the Morning
Early in March the North Katanga Wings of the Morning pilot, Gaston Ntambo Nkulu, was asked to fly a peace mission to the Tanganyika province to facilitate peace negotiations in Nyunzu. George Howard shares the story.
Solidarity, training and relief in coronavirus response
Global Ministries’ coronavirus response is reaching those in need internationally and in the U.S. In addition to grants from the Sheltering in Love UMCOR COVID-19 Response Fund, 32 solidarity grants have been dispersed from UMCOR, Global Health and other program units, totaling about $346,000.
COVID-19 response continues through “Sheltering in Love” grants
Mission makes an impact as partners around the world are awarded funds to address issues intensified by the spread of the coronavirus.
Lessons from missionaries on staying connected
Dr. David Scott examines what we can learn from missionaries amid the coronavirus restrictions. Missionaries have long experience in putting love into action in unfamiliar settings. In this third and final reflection, he considers how focusing on concrete acts of service helps to cultivate a sense of compassion that keeps us connected to the world around us.
Resource: Reflective poems on migration
To more deeply reflect on the topic of migration, listen to this set of poems written and narrated by the Rev. Jack Amick, director of…
Like child’s play
Holy Week becomes a time for fellowship and play for grade-schoolers in Liberia. Every year for the past several years, the Rev. Jacob Nathan has organized and led a camp for grade school children. Last year, we had Easter Camp on the campus of the Zacchaeus Garjay United Methodist School (UMS) in Gboko Town, Grand Bassa County, Liberia.
A harvest of knowledge
We celebrate because a church in California helped to provide hives to several farmers last year, and the expectant boost in honey production has increased income levels and improved standards of living. Beekeeping is becoming a farming activity of choice in Ghana and in Africa.
Cameroon and Senegal mission initiatives confirmed as districts of Côte d’Ivoire Episcopal Area
Two days of discussions centered on the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding formalizes the transition of Cameroon and Senegal to the leadership of the Cote d’Ivoire Episcopal Area, outlining the partnership of Global Ministries and Côte d’Ivoire as they expand the mission field for the gospel in these new areas.
What resonates with me
Mae Anne Lee N. Biasbas, a Global Mission Fellow from the Philippines, considers her service with the Christian Council in Zambia, how it has changed her and what she will remember and cherish as she finishes her term of service.