All News & Stories
April 8, 2020
A pastors’ retreat on the theme of violence
Ardell Graner, a missionary serving in the Dominican Republic, offers a practical exercise that helped a group of pastors focus on families and individuals affected by domestic violence in their communities.
April 8, 2020
Growth through education
Missionary Ellyn Dubberly teaches at a Methodist school in El Salvador, where the school and the students who study there continue to grow.
April 8, 2020
Methodists in Mongolia envision the future
James and Grace Cho, missionaries with the Mongolia United Methodist Mission, offer an update on plans for how the 20-year-old mission initiative will transition from a mission to a self-governing faith community.
April 8, 2020
Walking through the Light
A Lenten devotion on how the coronavirus crisis is illuminating deeply rooted injustices
April 8, 2020
What resonates with me
Mae Anne Lee N. Biasbas, a Global Mission Fellow from the Philippines, considers her service with the Christian Council in Zambia, how it has changed her and what she will remember and cherish as she finishes her term of service.
April 8, 2020
Growing as Global Mission Fellows
Marcharkelti McKenzie, a US-2 alumna, reflects on her service in the Global Mission Fellows program and how it continues to inform her growth and development today.
April 7, 2020
Like child’s play
Holy Week becomes a time for fellowship and play for grade-schoolers in Liberia. Every year for the past several years, the Rev. Jacob Nathan has organized and led a camp for grade school children.
April 6, 2020
Coalition denounces continual use of the term “China/Chinese Virus”
A statement from the Inter-Ethnic Strategic Development Group, a coalition represented by the five racial ethnic caucuses of The United Methodist Church, urges public officials to discontinue the use of the racially loaded term “China/Chinese Virus.”
April 1, 2020
Global mission during a pandemic: Conversations with general secretary Thomas Kemper
Join Thomas Kemper, general secretary of Global Ministries, as he begins a series of conversations that highlight global mission during a pandemic.
April 1, 2020
A harvest of knowledge
This season of Lent opens doors for us to change into the person that God wants us to be. Step up and do your part. Christ will soon offer his life to us. Be the first to offer your life to God.