All News & Stories

Caring for vulnerable migrants as they cross Central America
UMCOR helps to feed women, children and adolescents as they travel in a migrant caravan though Guatemala.
Central America still reeling from devastating 2020 hurricanes
UMCOR emergency grants to relief organizations in El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua help ease stress in affected communities.
New Community Developers Program model fosters collaboration
Congregations within the five annual conferences accepted into the 2021 CDP cohort will work collaboratively in communities on issues of advocacy and social justice.
“Methodist Mission at 200” seeks to inspire and challenge United Methodists in mission
A new book from Global Ministries delves into the origins of mission and service, sharing lessons from 200 years of mission history.
Global Ministries calls for a return to democracy in Myanmar
Global Ministries joins international partners in prayers for peace and justice in the wake of an early February coup d’état.
Love, laughter and lives transformed in Tanzania
Matthew and Jennifer Wilke spent eight months in Tanzania as mission volunteers. They learned much, loved a lot and discovered new ways to trust in God.
Call for solidarity with United Methodist Church in Mozambique
General Secretary Roland Fernandes encourages prayer for people of Mozambique after armed conflict and natural disaster produce mass displacement.
Young adult harnesses power of story-telling for justice
Serving in Brazil, Global Mission Fellow Mónica Arango uses her gifts as a communicator to improve the lives of street children and their families.
Discovery events offered for those interested in volunteer service
Virtual gatherings in 2021 will cover the basics of volunteer service and different options for serving through Global Ministries.
One in a million
The United Methodist Abundant Health Initiative reaches and exceeds its 1 million children goal…and keeps going.