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UMCOR receives top rating from CharityWatch
Spring report awards United Methodist Committee on Relief highest A+ rating
Mission and more: major milestones at General Conference  
Delegates approve all legislation submitted by Global Ministries as well as other legislation that will bring large shifts in denominational structure, budget, inclusivity and diversity.
Korean UMC churches announce deeper support for missionary service
More than 140 Global Ministries missionaries will receive monthly financial support for their ministries around the world with the help of Korean churches in the U.S.
Finding their mission – following where God leads
The 16 missionaries being commissioned at General Conference this week represent a broad spectrum of missionaries, what they do and where they serve.
Relieving human suffering for more than 80 years
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) continues to meet the needs of vulnerable populations around the world through a strong network of partners.
Denomination hits health goals…and keeps going
In 2020, the Abundant Health Initiative hit its goal of reaching 1 million women and children. The church’s work continued, and today, the lives of more than 5 million women and children have been positively impacted with health interventions.
First United Methodist Charlotte hosts Vigil for Creation opens a new window
Co-sponsored by Global Ministries, an Earth Day service and vigil called the global church to greater stewardship of creation.
AIDS Conference aims to break down barriers opens a new window
The April 22 Breaking Barriers AIDS Conference in Charlotte, NC, featured worship, speakers, panels and workshops focused on helping people of faith break the stigma surrounding HIV and AIDS.
Reducing malaria community by community
Grassroots efforts and UMC health programs treat, prevent and educate about malaria in all aspects of health work.
Youth 2023 event makes lasting impact
Young adults who attended Youth 2023 in Florida with support from Native American Ministries Sunday offerings reflect on the life lessons and impact the event had for them.