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Yambasu Agriculture Initiative takes root in Mozambique
Where once the land was wild and idol, 75 acres of land owned by the Mozambique United Methodist Church have been put into production and now yield fruits in their harvest seasons.
Agriculture Initiative in Mozambique
Where once the land was wild and idol, 75 acres of land owned by the Mozambique United Methodist Church have been put into production and now yield fruits in their harvest seasons.
UMCOR supports flood survivors from Kentucky to Mississippi
In 2022, torrential rains brought severe flooding to many states in the U.S. UMCOR responded quickly and continues to accompany communities into recovery.
UMCOR assists displaced families in East Congo
Five hundred of the most vulnerable displaced households in northeastern Congo have received food and other assistance from UMCOR to help purchase 38 tons of food for families who have fled insecurity in the region.
Inclusive and compassionate mission in Mongolia
The small but strong United Methodist Church in Mongolia is a place of belonging for many, but especially minority groups. It ordained its first two local elders in mission – both women - and program development is aimed at children, youth and older adults in need of resources and care.
World AIDS Day: Equalizing access to HIV resources
Together, Global Ministries’ Global Health program and UMC health boards support about 75,000 pregnant women, new mothers and children in Africa with HIV and AIDS resources, drastically reducing mother to baby HIV transmission.
Changing contexts, changing lives: international GMF program catalyzes growth for young adults
Four International track Global Mission Fellows reflect on ways the program has challenged them to grow personally and spiritually.
In Alabama and Florida, UMCOR provides both immediate and long-term disaster response
From Hurricane Michael in 2018 to Hurricane Ian in 2022, UMCOR remains “early in, last out” for many survivors recovering from devastating storms.
Youth Workers Fish Farming Cote d'Ivoire
Job creation through fish farming in Côte d’Ivoire
With a grant from Global Ministries’ Yambasu Agriculture Initiative, the Côte d'Ivoire Annual Conference has constructed fishponds to produce tilapia and built a savings and loan program for women.
Supporting resilience in Haiti, hard-hit by disasters
Global Ministries’ and UMCOR’s relief and recovery efforts and global health interventions in Haiti center on Haitian-led efforts to build stronger and more resilient infrastructure systems and community networks that include planning and preparation for future disasters.