Global Health News & Stories

Denomination hits health goals…and keeps going
In 2020, the Abundant Health Initiative hit its goal of reaching 1 million women and children. The church’s work continued, and today, the lives of more than 5 million women and children have been positively impacted with health interventions.
AIDS Conference aims to break down barriers opens a new window
The April 22 Breaking Barriers AIDS Conference in Charlotte, NC, featured worship, speakers, panels and workshops focused on helping people of faith break the stigma surrounding HIV and AIDS.
Reducing malaria community by community
Grassroots efforts and UMC health programs treat, prevent and educate about malaria in all aspects of health work.
Access to clean water offers stability in areas of conflict
Programs that train women as water technicians in South Sudan and build latrines in Haiti reduce tension in communities ravaged by violence and displacement.
Church helps to fight measles in Congo opens a new window
The East Congo United Methodist Health Board responds to a resurgence of measles with Global Health support, launching a pilot initiative for interventions.
Moving forward in mission with East Africa
Dreams become reality as a mission consultation is held in Nairobi, Kenya.
Responding to food insecurity on college campuses
Funds from Human Relations Day offerings supply grants to UMC-related colleges and universities to address access to food and hygiene products on campus.
Church helps thousands of malnourished children in Congo opens a new window
Through Global Ministries’ focus on global health, the UMC cared for more than 2,300 malnourished children, including 771 with acute malnutrition, in eastern Congo in 2023.
A home to keep expectant mothers healthy
At the Chicuque Rural Hospital in Mozambique, a safe haven for hundreds of women and children is receiving needed upgrades and renovations.
Imagining – and working toward – no malaria in Africa
Through net distribution, rapid testing, education campaigns and training of health care workers, thousands are protected against malaria in Sierra Leone, Burundi and Angola.
United Methodist health care in Mozambique upholds tradition and expertise
Global Health unit staff visited health facilities to view improvements and discuss challenges in an area of the country hard-hit by cyclones in recent years.
Church gives hope to people living with HIV in Congo
Through funding from Global Ministries, more than 100 women living with HIV in the Kivu Conference are receiving counseling, transportation help and microcredit loans.