Imagine No Malaria News & Stories

Reducing malaria community by community
Grassroots efforts and UMC health programs treat, prevent and educate about malaria in all aspects of health work.
Imagining – and working toward – no malaria in Africa
Through net distribution, rapid testing, education campaigns and training of health care workers, thousands are protected against malaria in Sierra Leone, Burundi and Angola.
“Zero malaria” theme of World Malaria Day is the goal for UMC health work
Through various campaigns and long-term work in rural communities, United Methodist health practitioners in Africa have been working toward the goal of reducing malaria deaths and spreading affordable treatment options, information and prevention strategies across the communities most affected by the disease.
Reducing malaria by increasing community awareness
The East Angola United Methodist Health Board is on track to reduce malaria by 20% in nine communities in Malanje province in 2022. One secret of their success – teams of youth volunteers visit house-to-house to offer malaria prevention strategies.
Supplies picked up on bikes in North Katanga
Falling malaria rates in Kamina attributed to awareness campaign and subsidized care
The Lupandilo Hospital in Kamina, North Katanga, DRC, has recorded a 50% drop in malaria deaths over the past two years, a result of an Imagine No Malaria campaign that provides free nets, treatment and information for communities.
Still thanking God for Imagine No Malaria
The Imagine No Malaria program partners with United Methodist health ministries in some of the most affected and least resourced populations on earth to stop this parasitic disease from claiming more human life.
Monitoring team in Yapandi Clinic
Partnering for abundant health across Nigeria
In Nigeria, United Methodist health facilities in rural areas have been working to improve their outreach into the communities they serve, building a strong, integrated health system that families and individuals can trust.