Your gifts to Global Ministries and UMCOR through the Advance make a significant impact in the lives of individuals and communities around the world. In fact, 100% of your gift goes to the missionary, ministry or project you designate. There are more than 800 projects of the Advance that represent the four mission priorities of missionaries, evangelism and church revitalization, global health and humanitarian relief and recovery. We also have priority “where most needed” funds that allow us to respond to needs around the world, be it for immediate disaster response or for long-term recovery. Your gift to these priority funds allows us to participate in missio Dei—God’s mission—whenever and wherever the need arises.
To give by phone, call 1-888-252-6174 (credit card gifts accepted). To give by mail, make your check payable to Advance GCFA, write the name of the missionary or project and the Advance number on the memo line of the check and send it to:
Global Ministries/UMCOR
P.O. Box 9068
New York, NY 10087-9068
For questions about giving, please email
Explore giving opportunities

The Advance is an accountable, designated giving arm of The United Methodist Church that ensures 100% of each gift is used for its intended mission or ministry.

You and your church can provide specific support for one of the 200-plus Global Ministries missionaries serving in more than 60 countries.

When you make a planned gift to Global Ministries and UMCOR, you make a difference in lives around the world.