Women & Children News & Stories

April 27, 2022
Reducing malaria by increasing community awareness
The East Angola United Methodist Health Board is on track to reduce malaria by 20% in nine communities in Malanje province in 2022. One secret of their success – teams of youth volunteers visit house-to-house to offer malaria prevention strategies.

January 3, 2022
Church helps nurse children back to health in Congo
Through Global Ministries' commitment to support maternal, newborn and child health, more than 1,000 malnourished children are recovering in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

December 6, 2021
Health promoters graduate just at the right time
In the third Advent devotion offered by global missionaries, Nan McCurdy and Miguel Mairena write on their service in Puebla, Mexico.

December 1, 2021
World AIDS Day: Eliminate inequality to eliminate HIV and AIDS
In DRC and beyond, United Methodists seek solutions on multiple fronts to decrease the transmission and grip of HIV and AIDS.

August 2, 2021
Protecting breastfeeding – a shared responsibility
In sub-Saharan Africa, Global Ministries focuses particularly on abundant health for pregnant women, mothers and young children in economically vulnerable communities. For World Breastfeeding Week, remember that breastfeeding is an invaluable part of health for both mother and child.

April 23, 2021
Still thanking God for Imagine No Malaria
The Imagine No Malaria program partners with United Methodist health ministries in some of the most affected and least resourced populations on earth to stop this parasitic disease from claiming more human life.

January 20, 2021
One in a million
The United Methodist Abundant Health Initiative reaches and exceeds its 1 million children goal…and keeps going.

November 15, 2020
For UMCOR, 2020 is one long emergency
In a year when one disaster seemed to follow another, the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s longtime investment into the training and support of church members who respond — both in the U.S. and globally — is paying off.

November 13, 2020
Global Health initiative exceeds goal of reaching 1 million children
Abundant Health, The United Methodist Church’s global health initiative, has achieved and exceeded its 2020 goal by reaching 1,075,732 million children with lifesaving interventions.

August 5, 2019
Supporting mothers and babies for a healthy start
Breastfeeding is a good way for mothers to give their babies a healthy start in life. The Abundant Health Initiative honors World Breastfeeding Week with stories of mothers and babies who thrive with the help of simple and practical health interventions.