Mission Initiatives News & Stories

October 4, 2023
Ordination energizes mission initiative in CAR
Dr. Aquilas Soronaka’s ordination brings renewed hope and energy for a mission initiative focused on congregational development and leadership.

July 7, 2022
Transforming lives through mission in Mongolia
The United Methodist Church in Mongolia will celebrate the ordination of its first Local Elders in Mission, a new hospice facility, growing missions and new work with children and youth at its annual meeting in October 2022.

October 28, 2021
Witnessing and rejoicing in a new mission age
Discerning global mission priorities in a time of profound global change was the theme of the general secretary’s report to directors of Global Ministries, meeting virtually October 26-29.

March 8, 2021
Visit the young, vibrant Methodist community in Cambodia
Experience the Methodist Church in Cambodia, which became a denomination in 2018, and see how God’s mission is alive in their country and culture.