In Focus: Migration

By Roland Fernandes
June 3, 2019 | ATLANTA
258 million people are currently part of the largest migration in human history. According to the United Nations this includes: 68 million forcibly displaced people, 25 million refugees, 3 million asylum seekers and more than 40 million internally displaced persons.
Migrants are fleeing war, civil unrest, chronic poverty, climate change and disasters resulting from natural or man-made events. Many, over 40 percent, are women and more than 50 percent of the world’s refugees are children. They leave behind families, friends and communities in crisis and often face an uncertain future.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief recognizes migration as a complex issue that touches nearly every country on earth. Founded in 1940 during World War II in response to displaced and vulnerable populations, UMCOR serves as a voice of conscience among Methodists to act in the relief of human suffering without distinction of race, color or creed.
This mandate remains true to this day as we work with partners to examine the causes of migration and to ensure the four rights of migrants:
- The right to staySupport Global Migration efforts around the world.
- The right to safe passage
- The right to welcoming and belonging
- The right to return
UMCOR’s global network of partnerships with churches and domestic and international humanitarian agencies provides support for migrants of all types: refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants, trafficked persons, internally displaced persons and climate refugees.
During the month of June, we will be sharing the many ways you are making an impact in the lives of migrants through your financial support of UMCOR. We trust you will be encouraged by what we are able to accomplish Together in Mission.
Compelled by Christ,
Roland Fernandes
Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director of UMCOR