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As the Rev. Greg Berquist announces retirement, Roland Fernandes named as successor to lead both agencies.

New ways of partnering and onsite visits to Methodist churches and mission sites highlight Global Ministries Fall Board of Directors meeting in Phnom Penh.

Funds from Human Relations Day offerings supply grants to UMC-related colleges and universities to address access to food and hygiene products on campus.

A Christian school, a church, a preschool and a mission center, all built during COVID-19 shut-downs, thrive today in Tanzania.

While many Christians across the world celebrate World Communion Sunday with the elements and rich ritual of communion, the UMC offering collected on that Sunday extend the communion table to provide tangible assistance to students around the globe.

Cleber Lizardo de Assis uses his advanced degrees in psychology to serve marginalized groups in his community.

This UMCOR update, part three of a three-part series, summarizes UMCOR’s work with refugees, migrants and asylum seekers in 2021.

United Methodists are working with longtime partners in Haiti after a 7.2-magnitude earthquake and as a major storm drenches the island. The church previously helped rebuild after the 2010 temblor.

Grants totaling $853,301 will help build the capacities of United Methodist mission partner organizations around the world next year in the areas of Leadership Development, Congregational Development, Ministry with the Poor and Global Health.

Meet Thomas Harris from the U.S. and Dr. Cristina Manabat from Harris Memorial College in the Philippines. What do they share in common? More than a name.

One hundred six students from 31 countries will receive study grants totaling $585,817 for the 2019-20 academic year from Global Ministries.

Charles Sharper and Kayla Toliver share about the Healthy Youth USA Foundation, promoting youth development through after school programming, sports, recreation and other activities. Through the provision of a $99,616.00 grant, the Global Health Unit was able to provide scholarships for 38-50 children and cover administrative costs for additional staff.