Asian/Pacific News & Stories

10 Global Mission Fellows reflect on 2 years of service
Photos capture high points for GMFs completing service.
Missionaries retire after decades of work in Nepal
Reflections from the ministry of Dr. Mark and Deirdre Zimmerman, retiring at the end of January 2024 after serving in health care for decades in Nepal.
Teaching from the Heart
A. Broncano believes that even in places where Christians have major challenges being accepted, the benefits of loving, caring Christian communities prevail.
In Cambodia, holistic mission thrives
With relationship at the center of mission, Andrew and Janice Lee, missionaries in Cambodia, are seeing their ministries of health, education and discipleship thrive.
Christ knows the great leader you will become
Missionary Janice Lee sees God at work in Youlika Vann, a young woman who has become an integral part of the work of the Methodist Church in Cambodia.
Fall board meeting in Cambodia offers mission connection
New ways of partnering and onsite visits to Methodist churches and mission sites highlight Global Ministries Fall Board of Directors meeting in Phnom Penh.
Fernandes reviews current and emerging mission challenges in report
General Secretary Roland Fernandes highlights partner consultations, Native American art exhibit and a new Peace with Justice program at Global Ministries' board meeting in Cambodia.
Joint Mission Consultation welcomes regionalization opens a new window
Leaders attending the KMC-UMC mission consultation held in Seoul, South Korea, in August agree to collaborate on faith leadership and peace and justice ministries.
Water project improves lives in the Philippines opens a new window
For more than 30 families and three community centers, UMCOR funding helps provide a clean and sustainable water source by distributing drums to harvest rainwater.
Appeal for prayer for persecuted Christians in Pakistan
With news of recent attacks, Global Ministries invites prayer and appeals to the government to protect minority faith communities.
Faith leaders join call for peace treaty to end Korean War opens a new window
As a co-convener of Korea Peace Action in Washington, D.C., Global Ministries calls for peace on the 70th anniversary of the Armistice Agreement.
A missionary’s transformation through 23 years of mission service
When missionaries are commissioned, they have useful gifts, skills and mindsets to help then serve. But as they continue to serve a community, God transforms them in ways they could not have imagined. The Rev. Jaehyoung Choi describes his mission journey and the transformations he’s undergone with God’s help.