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Showing Results for: in mission together

Amid the disruptions caused by the coronavirus, people seek new ways to maintain spiritual and social connections. This second of three reflections looks at how missionaries stay connected to social support networks with communication and mutual prayer, even when they are physically distant from those they love.

Commissioned as EarthKeepers in 2019 and now collaborating cross-country, the Rev. Crystal Paul Watson and her mother Lavanda Paul have developed and are launching a creation care curriculum for youth and young adults.

UMCOR assisted several Methodist-related partners in the relief phase of the Dorian Hurricane response in the Bahamas. This year, UMCOR continues to support those partners working on shelter and case management, and a new partner moves forward to help the islands provide fresh water for 70,000 people.

Global Ministries’ coronavirus response is reaching those in need internationally and in the U.S. In addition to grants from the Sheltering in Love UMCOR COVID-19 Response Fund, 32 solidarity grants have been dispersed from UMCOR, Global Health and other program units, totaling about $346,000.