All News & Stories

A new class of EarthKeepers equipped to care for God’s creation
Global Ministries commissions 57 new EarthKeepers whose projects include forest gardening, xeriscaping and transition to renewable energy.
Imagining – and working toward – no malaria in Africa
Through net distribution, rapid testing, education campaigns and training of health care workers, thousands are protected against malaria in Sierra Leone, Burundi and Angola.
Letter from Christian Leaders to President Biden opens a new window
Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) and 30 American Christian leaders, including Roland Fernandes, called on the Biden administration to support an immediate ceasefire between Hamas and Israel.
Lives of women in Bomjesus change through faith in God
“When people of God come together and seek God´s help, the impact can be big,” says missionary Nana Katembo of women in the Bomjesus community in Angola.
In Cambodia, holistic mission thrives
With relationship at the center of mission, Andrew and Janice Lee, missionaries in Cambodia, are seeing their ministries of health, education and discipleship thrive.
UM News: Boards’ move comes as agencies face challenges opens a new window
A portent of the future of The United Methodist Church may have recently emerged with the news that general secretary Roland Fernandes will add GBHEM to his responsibilities.
Christ knows the great leader you will become
Missionary Janice Lee sees God at work in Youlika Vann, a young woman who has become an integral part of the work of the Methodist Church in Cambodia.
Fall board meeting in Cambodia offers mission connection
New ways of partnering and onsite visits to Methodist churches and mission sites highlight Global Ministries Fall Board of Directors meeting in Phnom Penh.
GBHEM and Global Ministries move toward greater missional alignment
As the Rev. Greg Berquist announces retirement, Roland Fernandes named as successor to lead both agencies.
Fernandes reviews current and emerging mission challenges in report
General Secretary Roland Fernandes highlights partner consultations, Native American art exhibit and a new Peace with Justice program at Global Ministries' board meeting in Cambodia.