All News & Stories

January 23, 2020
Trip to farms and villages brings new understanding
Missionary Lorraine Charinda describes the obstacles she’s overcome and the lessons she’s learned on a journey to visit communities and institutions in the North Katanga area, all part of evaluating the reach of her ministries.

January 23, 2020
Missionary pilot continues lifesaving work
For nearly 20 years, missionary Rukang Chikob has served as a pilot for Wings of the Morning, an aviation ministry in South Congo.

January 23, 2020
Health facilities undergo renovations worldwide, like Shungu maternity clinic in DRC
A vital health facility for a rural community in Kamina, the Shungu maternity clinic now has running water for the first time since it opened its doors in 1969.

January 23, 2020
Learning through relationship
Watch as Allison Lindsey, board member from the South Georgia Annual Conference, recounts trips to the North Katanga Annual Conference and how lasting relationships centered in mission have been built between the two conferences.

January 23, 2020
Mission is: Relationship
Relationship is at the heart of mission. Cultivating relationships across boundaries because of the good news God offers us in Christ is a foundational and sustaining part of our work as United Methodists.

January 17, 2020
UMCOR names new executive director
The United Methodist Committee on Relief will enter its ninth decade led by Lara S. Martin who brings a strong background in international disaster response, public health and child welfare.

January 14, 2020
Remembering heroes of mission and ministry: Sam Dixon and Clint Rabb
On the 10th anniversary of their death, Thomas Kemper remembers the life, ministry and mission of two Global Ministries staff members who died in the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

December 10, 2019
Christmas in the Real World: 2019
General secretary Thomas Kemper reflects on the Christmas season and offers words of challenge and hope.

December 10, 2019
Holding someone’s hand is the beginning of every peace journey
Devotional by Jin Yang Kim | Fourth week of Advent
December 10, 2019
Gateway to freedom: Peace with justice
Devotional by Angela A. Reed | Fourth week of Advent