All News & Stories

UMC signs Ecumenical Declaration: Defending Refuge
Faith communities unite in historic declaration to defend refugees at critical crossroads for U.S. policy.
Clinic in Honduras extends loving care to migrants
The United Methodist Mission in Honduras treats migrants for medical needs as they arrive in Danlí, offering love and a safer journey along the way.
Missionary strives to grow church in Madagascar opens a new window
Rev. Eric Kalumba, a missionary with Global Ministries, is dedicated to spreading the Gospel and establishing new United Methodist churches throughout the island of Madagascar.
UMCOR Relief efforts continue in Gaza and other communities
The United Methodist Committee on Relief has supported relief operations in Gaza, the West Bank throughout 2024 and into the early months of 2025.
Meeting Christ at the table
An UMCOR Mustard Seed Migration Grant helps Legacy UMC in North Dakota use cooking as way to create welcome, fellowship and community for Ukrainian immigrants.
Dear President Trump: Letter from United Methodist Council of Bishops opens a new window
Global Ministries affirms the Council of Bishop’s letter to President Trump, urging reconsideration of his administration’s suspension of U.S. foreign assistance.
Sent forth to serve
Twenty-three missionaries are now commissioned for service, sent forth to embody the love of God in 15 countries on behalf of The United Methodist Church.
Global Ministries condemns new immigration policies in U.S.
General Secretary Roland Fernandes writes that current border security policies disregard the fundamental dignity and rights of migrants.
Supporting migrant workers in Hong Kong opens a new window
Missionary Joy Prim works with migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong to provide them with shelter, legal aid and emotional support.
Global Ministries welcomes ceasefire, commits to continued support of Gaza
General Secretary Roland Fernandes offers a statement on the ceasefire agreement and the mission agency’s commitment to continue working for a just and sustainable peace.