Joint Global Ministries and UMCOR 2022 annual report

ATLANTA – The 2022 joint annual report for Global Ministries and The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), “God’s grace: our source of hope and mission service,” is now available. The report shares the impact of United Methodist mission in the areas of missionaries, evangelism and church revitalization, global health, and humanitarian relief and recovery.
In their opening letter, General Secretary Roland Fernandes, Bishop Thomas Bickerton and Bishop Hee-Soo Jung write: “Without God’s grace, we would not have so quickly assisted in aiding Ukrainian refugees with food, shelter and psychosocial support. We would not have commissioned 54 missionaries at gatherings in regional hubs like Costa Rica and Northern Ireland. We would not have helped reduce the number of deaths from malaria, cholera and COVID-19, nor partnered in the revitalization of 13 health facilities in which to treat and prevent such diseases. And we would not have supported the flourishing of 27 new faith communities in Africa, Central America and Southeast Asia.”
On behalf of United Methodists all around the world and with the generous support of individuals, churches and conferences, read how Global Ministries and UMCOR continue extending the reach of care and compassion.
View, download and share the full annual report here.