UM Newss

Supporting migrant workers in Hong Kong opens a new window
Missionary Joy Prim works with migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong to provide them with shelter, legal aid and emotional support.
Training helps Asian young adults to ‘soar high’ opens a new window
Methodist young adults gathered in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, from November 4-8 for the 2024 ASCEND, a global leadership event by Global Ministries and the Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
Global Ministries, Higher Ed focus on hope amid change opens a new window
The joint board meeting of Global Ministries and Higher Education and Ministry focused on upcoming changes as the two agencies aim to combine efforts and enhance efficiency.
Missionary walks where Jesus walked, even in time of war opens a new window
Years after serving as a mission intern in Jerusalem, the Rev. Jane Eesley returns to the Holy Land as a missionary, committed to uplift Palestinian voices and provide support to communities impacted by the war.
United Methodists offer relief after Helene opens a new window
The United Methodist Committee on Relief is working with all affected conferences as communities begin to assess their needs. So far, grants have been awarded to the North and South Georgia, Western North Carolina and Holston conferences.
Church brings vital aid to flood victims in Tanzania opens a new window
In the wake of severe floods in the Masai and Morogoro districts, UMCOR's $50,000 grant has provided vital food and supplies to hundreds of families. Rev. Idda John Ngowi praised the aid for boosting community morale.
Greenhouses enrich lives at church mission opens a new window
With support from the Yambasu Agriculture Initiative, two greenhouses at Zimbabwe’s Hanwa Mission are helping to fight climate change and grow education at the mission’s schools.
AIDS Conference aims to break down barriers opens a new window
The April 22 Breaking Barriers AIDS Conference in Charlotte, NC, featured worship, speakers, panels and workshops focused on helping people of faith break the stigma surrounding HIV and AIDS.
Averting election conflict in Congo opens a new window
The church in Eastern and Southern Congo ran awareness campaigns on conflict and violence before, during and after the country’s recent elections with the help of funding from UMCOR.
Boards push forward despite budget cuts opens a new window
The first joint board meetings of Global Ministries and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry took place March 4-8 in Atlanta. UM News reports on the gathering.
Mexican Methodists respond to climate crisis opens a new window
UMCOR's grant to the Methodist Church of Mexico is assisting communities in Acapulco devastated by October 2023's Hurricane Otis.
Church helps to fight measles in Congo opens a new window
The East Congo United Methodist Health Board responds to a resurgence of measles with Global Health support, launching a pilot initiative for interventions.