
Back in Ecuador with El Sembrador
Mission Volunteers David and Shari Nelson return to Ecuador for a second year to serve with staff and students of a Methodist school in Pastocalle, Cotopaxi.
Missionaries retire after decades of work in Nepal
Reflections from the ministry of Dr. Mark and Deirdre Zimmerman, retiring at the end of January 2024 after serving in health care for decades in Nepal.
Responding to food insecurity on college campuses
Funds from Human Relations Day offerings supply grants to UMC-related colleges and universities to address access to food and hygiene products on campus.
Global Mission Fellows to be commissioned in Kenya
On January 14, Global Ministries will commission 39 young adult missionaries for service around the world.
Not alone…fire recovery programs thrive with partners
UMCOR encourages recipients of wildfire grants to seek partners in their work, which are vital for extending recovery ministries to more people and places.
Living in hope
A Christmas message from Global Ministries’ general secretary.
Bringing light to the darkness in Turkey and Syria
UMCOR supports earthquake survivors with food, hygiene items, rental assistance, solar lanterns and psychosocial care.
UMCOR’s focus – being where most needed
How does UMCOR work in so many places each year? An amazing network of reliable partners is the key.
Building bridges across cultural divides
Missionaries Kirk and Nicole Sims serving in Prague support both the challenges and blessings of the greatest migratory movement Europe has seen since World War II.
A home to keep expectant mothers healthy
At the Chicuque Rural Hospital in Mozambique, a safe haven for hundreds of women and children is receiving needed upgrades and renovations.
Proclaiming God’s presence after the storm
In places like hard-hit Florida, UMCOR faithfully assists thousands of U.S. residents displaced by severe weather.
UMCOR continues to support partners in Ukraine
As displaced people accept long-term evacuation from their hometowns, more shelters, jobs and removal of unexploded weapons become primary concerns.